Riegl VZ-1000 sale includes:rnrn Riegl VZ-1000 3D Scannerrn Black External Battery, External Battery Charger, Battery Power Supply Cablern 12v Power Supply Cable 1mrn 8x Scanner Targets - Cylinderrn Riegl VZ-1000 Scanner cablesrn RiScan Pro and RiSolve V2.1.1 softwarern Blanking Cap, Cap to 3/8 thread, Cap to Thread Mountrn GPS Caprn Allen Keyrn Long Antennarn Debug Cable, External GPS Cable,TCP/IP Cable M12-M12 3m, 2 x TCP/IP Cable M12-MRJ45 0.3mrn External Power Supply/Battery Chargerrn 10x Fusesrn Flight casern Yellow pelican case to hold all of the accessoriesrnrnFor more information visit our websiternwww.beta3dscannersell.comrnemailrnbeta3dscannersell@gmail.comrnrnProduct Linkrn